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Journée internationale de la Francophonie


C’est quoi, la francophonie ? Read the full text and do the language exercises here. La francophonie, c’est une communauté de gens qui parlent le français. C’est aussi tous les pays ou régions où on parle français. Dans le monde entier il y a en total 57 pays francophones. Certains sont près de la France, […]

Learn French #6: Les prépositions de lieu

prepositions de lieu

Take a look at this illustration to understand “prepositions of place” such as under, in front of, over, behind, between etc. Listen to the video below to understand the pronunciation of these prépositions de lieu in French.    

Learn French #5: How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in French

conjugate regular verbs in French

There are 3 kinds of regular verbs in French: -ER, -IR, -RE. Once you’ve learned the rules of conjugation for each of theses three kinds of verbs, you should be able to conjugate regular verbs in each of those categories with ease. Use the illustration below as a guide!