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Eating Out in French : French restaurant vocabulary

Wherever you are in France, having a meal in a typical French restaurant is a must. Food is an important part of the French culture and being able to experience it will make your trip more complete. In today’s article we are going to identify some of the most common French restaurant vocabulary and expressions […]

Best Student Restaurants in Rouen

Restaurants in Rouen

Having a huge variety of places where to eat is great. However, it can also be confusing as the options are vast and can be very different from one another. Therefore, to help make your stay in Rouen a little bit easier, we have singled out 6 restaurants in Rouen which are usually popular amongst […]

Prepare Yourself to Study in France

study in france

It may be the first time you’re leaving your country on your own, or maybe your first time going to another country for studying purposes. We understand that this may be overwhelming at first, but we can assure you that once you get to your destination, you will realise that this was a decision worth […]