In previous articles we have taught you how to get by in France and also how to read a French menu and eat out. These are all great opportunities to have a great time in this beautiful country. However, over and above this, France and the French language are known to be both beautiful and romantic. Therefore, in preparation for the New Year, we want to get you started on your flirting in French skills. So, without further ado, here are 20 phrases to help you flirt more effectively in French:

First and foremost, the equivalent of flirting in French is Draguer.
- uis-je vous offrir à boire? or Je peux vous offrir un verre ? – Can I buy you a drink?
- Vous venez souvent ici? – Do you come here often?
- Vous êtes célibataire? Mais comment est-ce possible? – Are you single? But how is that possible?
- Tu es drôle – You’re funny
- Tu es mignon – You’re cute
- T’as des beaux yeux, tu sais? – You’ve got beautiful eyes, you know?
- T’es beau / T’es belle – You’re good looking / beautiful
- Tu es très jolie – You’re pretty (to a woman)
- Tu es très beau – You’re very handsome (to a man)
- Ou as-tu été toute ma vie? – Where have you been all my life?
- J’aimerais mieux te connaître – I would like to get to know you better
- Allons quelque part moins bruyant – Let’s go somewhere less noisy
- Je pense à toi – I’m thinking about you
- Mon chéri/Ma chérie – My darling (male / female)
And for those who really mean business, here are some more phrases you can use:
- Allons chez moi – Let’s go to my place
- Chez moi ou chez toi? – Your place or my place?
- Si je t’aide à apprendre l’anglais, est-ce que tu m’apprendras comment embrasser à la française? – If I help you learn English, will you teach me how to French kiss?
- Je t’aime – I love you: Piece of advice, wait a while before using this!
There you go! Now you can surely (and carefully) enjoy your nights out, even more. One thing is certain, whether it’s an affair with a new man or woman, or one with the French language and culture, in order to be able to live it to the full, you really need to make sure that you can communicate like a native!
We hope this information will help you during your stay in France. If before or during your stay, you decide that you want to join like-minded people, who are also interested in the French language, contact us by filling our form here. Our staff and teachers at French in Normandy will be happy to help you improve your French language skills, whilst showing you around the beautiful region of Normandy.