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New from French in Normandy: DELF DALF Online

French in Normandy

French in Normandy: a pioneer in DELF DALF online flexible learningNeed to improve your DELF DALF skills but don’t have the time or the budget to spend 3 months in France ?With French in Normandy you can study for the DELF DALF whenever and wherever you choose. With French in Normandy Online you can get […]

Eating Out in French : French restaurant vocabulary

Wherever you are in France, having a meal in a typical French restaurant is a must. Food is an important part of the French culture and being able to experience it will make your trip more complete. In today’s article we are going to identify some of the most common French restaurant vocabulary and expressions […]

Best Student Restaurants in Rouen

Restaurants in Rouen

Having a huge variety of places where to eat is great. However, it can also be confusing as the options are vast and can be very different from one another. Therefore, to help make your stay in Rouen a little bit easier, we have singled out 6 restaurants in Rouen which are usually popular amongst […]

Le français- cette langue qui nous réunit

French in Normandy sponsors 4th annual Congress for French teachers across the Arab World (CMA) in Agadir, Morocco This regional congress of the FIPF (International Federation of French Language Teachers) brings together teachers from North Africa and the Middle East but of course is open to teachers of French worldwide. The opening speeches and the […]

French Vocabulary for Illnesses and Ailments

French Vocabulary Illnesses and Ailments

Learn how to talk about illnesses in French and prepare for a doctor’s visit in France. Getting sick is never fun, but being in a foreign country and not being able to communicate when you need medical help can definitely ruin your stay abroad. These resources will help you learn some important French vocabulary for […]

How to learn French quickly and with ease

learn french quickly

Everything you need to know to learn French quickly and efficiently Would you like to speak French fluently ? Do you feel ready to start learning the language of Moliere? I am sure you are ! But maybe you are not sure about how to go about it… No panic ! In this article I am going […]

5 raisons de faire un séjour linguistique en France

séjour linguistique en France

Vous apprenez le français ? Vous envisagez de faire un séjour linguistique en France ? Vous hésitez à franchir le pas ? Dans cet article je vous donne 5 bonnes raisons de réaliser un séjour linguistique en France ! Embarquez, l’aventure vous attend !   Premier avantage : L’immersion linguistique. Eh oui, une fois en France vous serez plongé dans […]

You are learning because you want to learn | Student Blog

Let’s see how Alan is getting on at French in Normandy with this latest update…   Well its getting a little tougher now! We have begun to look at ‘au present simple’ and ‘passe compose’ – in other words present and past tense! When they start discussing ‘conjugasion’ and reflexive verbs, I struggle. I never […]

First week back at school – Part Deux | Student Blog

We’re back with Alan, from Stratford upon Avon, Home of William Shakespeare. Alan is a young 57 year old student who has come to Rouen to learn French before a) embarking on a 1000 mile horse trek on the Route D’Artagnan through France and into Italy and b) with a view to living in France permanently. […]


This week we invite Alan, a mature student from England, to tell us a bit about his first week at French in Normandy as part of a series on our student blog. I wouldn’t have said I was your archetypal student, but then according to Eleri Maitland the Director and owner of French in Normandy there […]